Meet the Queen Bee of HumbleBee Kitchen
Shannon has had a passion for food and cooking for most of her life. As a young girl she grew up in a family of cooks and women who baked and cooked from scratch. Growing up in a log home built by her parents in the woods of North Idaho, much of that time without electricity. Growing up in an environment that required self sufficiency, taking care of animals, chopping wood, preparing meals came with that. At a young age having the revelation of recipes, cooking, baking and making things come together was inspiring and fun. And the other thing it did was bring people and family together. And it still does, food is bonding and creates so many of our social experiences.
Shannon is always learning and expanding food knowledge and cooking and experimenting with new ingredients and tastes.
With a passion for food and health Shannon eventually enrolled in holistic nutrition classes with the purpose of becoming a holistic nutrition consultant. Shannon has worked in the health food and natural products industry for 17years. The philosophy of good food prepared honestly is what gives Shannon her passion and the desire to keep learning about food traditions and techniques and is a driving force. Bringing Shannon back to her roots we come to now, Shannon is excited to have a business that serves up this good quality spice and herb blends and love giving the opportunity share her love of food, health, education, passion and people with others one meal at a time.